
Today the Supreme Court overruled Roe v. Wade.

I'm fucking pissed, feeling powerless, and not sure what else to do besides offer a space where people can access resources for support, assistance, and safety for women's reproductive health. Yeah, I'm talking abortions.

I'll be updating this post as I learn about more resources. 

We deserve body autonomy.

    1. Aid Access

      Aid Access consists of a committed team of doctors, activists and advocates for abortion rights. The purpose of the website and the service is to create social justice and improve the health status and human rights of women who do not have the possibility of accessing local abortion services. 

    2. Yellowhammer Fund

      The Yellowhammer Fund is a 501(c)3 abortion fund and reproductive justice organization serving Alabama, Mississippi, and the Deep South

    3. National Network of Abortion Funds

      The National Network of Abortion Funds is here to connect you with organizations that can support your financial and logistical needs as you arrange for your abortion. 

    4. Jackson Women’s Health Organization

      (JWHO) offers affordable abortion care to women living in Mississippi and/or traveling to the state of Mississippi.

    5. Sister Song

      SisterSong is a Southern based, national membership organization; our purpose is to build an effective network of individuals and organizations to improve institutional policies and systems that impact the reproductive lives of marginalized communities.

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