Creative Self Care with Crystal McLain

ACTION: Maintaining Motivation & Practical Goal Setting

ACTION: Maintaining Motivation & Practical Goal Setting

When it comes to self care, I believe there are five things we need to consider in order to be successful. In previous posts we covered the first three, Mindset, Awareness, and Direction. But honestly, they don’t amount to a hill of beans unless we take action. In today’s post we’re going to go over some ways you can create a practical plan and find the motivation in taking those first reluctant steps towards healthy, balanced living. Okay, so, today is all about (in my opinion) the hardest part of any self care routine; taking action. Truth be told, it’s pretty easy...

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DIRECTION: Finding an Authentic Path in Life

DIRECTION: Finding an Authentic Path in Life

The key to living a fulfilling life, is to live an authentic and balanced life that has meaning and purpose. And in order to achieve any of this we’ve gotta figure out who we are and how we want to spend our time.  In today’s episode we’re going to talk about finding a direction in your life that will set your mother-lovin’ soul on fire.. in a good way.  So, I feel like a lot of us are floating along in life just going through the daily motions. And for some folks, that’s working out just fine. But for others,...

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AWARENESS: Tracking & Transforming Triggers

AWARENESS: Tracking & Transforming Triggers

The word ‘trigger’ has gotten a bad wrap.  We have a tendency to solely identify them as the things that make us spiral into anxiety, depression, or dive head-first into some pretty unhealthy coping devices. But triggers can be so much more than that. In today’s blog we’re going to learn a little bit about what triggers actually are and how you can use their powers for good instead of...evil. So, as crazy as it may sound, triggers aren’t a curse, they’re actually a gift.  Triggers give us insight to the things that need extra TLC in our lives. They help...

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MINDSET: Turning Self-Sabotage into Self-Empowerment

MINDSET: Turning Self-Sabotage into Self-Empowerment

The difference between being a badass self-care warrior and, well, not, may be as simple as tweaking your language a bit. In today’s podcast we’re going to learn about the power of language, and explore ways you can turn self-sabotage into self-empowerment. Want to start shifting your mindset? Check out my DELUXE Mindset Makeover Kit! SHOW NOTES:  Newsletter: Sign Up Membership: Explore Instagram: @crystalmclaincreative Support My Work: PayPal Buzzsprout: Check it outListen to More: Podcast Station

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Understanding the SELF for Better Self-Care

Understanding the SELF for Better Self-Care

The self is a pretty complex thing. But, since we’re in the business of self-care over here, it only makes sense that we’d learn how to identify it. Right?  Right. In today's podcast we're going to learn about what the self actually is, and how we can take better care of it.  _________________________________________________________________________ DISCOVER MORE:  If you'd like to be notified when new podcasts are released, sign up for the Newsletter...and I'll send you my FREE Mindset Makeover Kit! If you'd like to support my work, visit: PayPalWant to start your own podcast? Try Buzzsprout: Check it out!

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