Creative Self Care with Crystal McLain

A Minute of Mindfulness

A Minute of Mindfulness

Practicing mindfulness is a way to strengthen consciousness, which is the part of the brain that is able to make intentional decisions instead of knee-jerk reactions, and think critically, creatively, and focus like a mother-lovin' Jedi. 

Here's an ever-growing list of 60-second mindfulness practices. 

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How To Recognize Your Self-Care Needs

How To Recognize Your Self-Care Needs

If you crack a tooth it’s clear that you should go to the dentist. This is what I like to call obvious self-care. Broken bones, the flu, and stinky arm pits; obvious, obvious, obvious.  But what about general malaise, low-grade anxiety, or chronic self-sabotage? Shit. What kind of self-care does that all need? I'm super excited about this week’s blog because this is when we start learning how to recognize our self-care needs! HUZZAH! We're going to gather what we’ve learned and start putting it into practice.  This is when the magic starts to happen. So, if you haven’t read the previous blogs, may I...

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6 Ways to Identify Your SELF

6 Ways to Identify Your SELF

Now, just so you’re prepared, I should warn you, the self is a pretty complex thing. But, since I’m in the business of self-care, it only makes sense that we’d learn how to identify it. Right?  Duh, totally.  And for the sake of simplicity, today we're just gonna talk about the six ways to identify the self. In the next blog we'll learn ways to decipher your own personal, unique self cocktail so you can take better care of it. But first, what is the self? So, the self is an individual person as the object of its own reflective consciousness.  What the...

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FEELINGS: Auditing Your Emotions + Hacking Your Hormones

FEELINGS: Auditing Your Emotions + Hacking Your Hormones

As we continue to unpack the 5 Secrets for Successful Self-Care, today we’ll discuss a little more about the first secret, Mindset, and how to improve it by auditing our emotions and hacking our hormones.  In my last blog, MINDSET MAKEOVER, Change the Narrative, we learned that in order to successfully achieve our goals, the first thing we need to do is change our algorithm. The things we think, believe and have opinions on ultimately dictate whether we’ll reach our goals or not. And the reason for this is because our thoughts impact our feelings. So, this blog is going to...

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What's the point?

What's the point?

Yesterday I found myself having some extra time. I was grateful for these bonus moments because I had a bit of homework to do, and a deadline to meet.  Quick back story: I'm wicked good at self-care on both personal and professional levels. I am not, however, very good at business; and was having a bit of a struggle with my website.  Generally I feel a bit uneasy when it comes to the business side of things. While I understand the importance of the exchange of money for services, it still pokes my ethics and makes me feel queazy. So I think the association...

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