Creative Self Care with Crystal McLain
Stress and the Dark Side of Social Media: A Warning You Can't Ignore

Want to learn a crazy thing about stress?It can actually a good thing. My name is Crystal McLain, this is Creative Self Care, and together we’re exploring new ways towards wellness, so we can effectively care for the mind, body and mother-lovin’ soul, and live healthy, empowered lives-individually and collectively. If you appreciate what I’m doing here at CMC, want to support my work, and gain a more personal experience, consider joining my friends at Patreon for the same price as a fancy cup of coffee. To learn more about our community and how we’re making a positive impact, you can visit Alright, let’s get...
How to Get Out of Your Own Way - Tips for Beating the Functional Freeze Response

*Feel like watching a vlog instead? You can access that feature at the bottom of the page! Do you ever find yourself feeling stuck, like you're incapable of making even the tiniest decision, or doing the smallest task? Well, you can blame your brain for throwing you into something called functional freeze. Today, here at CMC, we're going to learn exactly what functional freeze is, why it happens, and most importantly, what we can do to overcome it, so you can show up in life like the decisive, proactive badass that I know you're capable of being. My name is Crystal McLain, this is Creative Self Care,...
Living a Life With Purpose

Today we’re talking about living a life with purpose. Before I knew what this really meant, I used to roll my eyes at idea. But living a life with purpose doesn’t mean you’re living some grandiose, inspirational life that’s full of spiritual significance, and worthy of dramatic theme music.Uh, no. It means something quite a bit different. And that, my friend, is exactly what we’re going to talk about today. So, living a life with purpose simply means we’re attaching meaning to our actions. There’s a reason WHY we’re doing something. And the more we can align these reasons with...
An Invitation to Empower Yourself During Uncertain Times

Hey, friend. It’s been a long freaking time since I’ve talked to you here from Blog Land. I’ve been…busy. Between maintaining my own self care, creating workshops for organizations who work with with trauma victims (SAY WHAT?!), and building a self-guided online course, I haven’t had much energy for anything outside of the essentials. But, in light of recent events, and with November creeping up on us rather quickly, I’ve been struck by a new found energy and compulsion to jump back in with the blog and podcast. I’ve also decided to stop worrying about whether or not the online...
Why You Think You Suck At Self Care - And 6 Ways To Get Better At It

Have you ever told yourself that you suck at self care? Or have you told yourself that it’s something that just isn’t accessible to you? If so, I’m so glad you’re here because I get to be the one to tell you that that is bullshit. Here’s the thing, you’re actually really good at self care. And I’ll tell you why in a minute. The problem isn’t with you or your aptitude or accessibility to self care, it’s the belief systems you have about it, and the habits you’ve created around that's causing you to believe that you're bad at it....