Creative Self Care with Crystal McLain



Hey.  Today the Supreme Court overruled Roe v. Wade. I'm fucking pissed, feeling powerless, and not sure what else to do besides offer a space where people can access resources for support, assistance, and safety for women's reproductive health. Yeah, I'm talking abortions. I'll be updating this post as I learn about more resources.  We deserve body autonomy. Aid Accessaidaccess.orgAid Access consists of a committed team of doctors, activists and advocates for abortion rights. The purpose of the website and the service is to create social justice and improve the health status and human rights of women who do not have the...

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WHY SELF CARE FEELS HARD - Part 2: The 7 Step Solution

WHY SELF CARE FEELS HARD - Part 2: The 7 Step Solution

In my last post, we talked about some reasons why practicing self care can be really, really challenging. And because it’s a pretty big topic, and because I’m a real human with limited time, I couldn’t get to the solutions to this problem.  So, that’s what we’re gonna do today. In today’s post we’re going tap into some ways that you can start feeling empowered and motivated in doing some of those hard things in life. . Welcome to the blogcast, Unlocking Wellness! I’m Crystal McLain, curator of Crystal McLain Creative, an online resource that helps folks become INSPIRED, feel...

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Why Self Care Feels Hard - PART ONE

Why Self Care Feels Hard - PART ONE

I’ve been running into a lot of folks lately who are struggling to practice self care. You know, basic things like doing the dishes, taking a shower, staying away from doom scrolling. And as much as they want to, there just seems to be a force field that deflects them from following through.  In today’s post we’re going to take a look at some reasons why, despite common sense and the desire to practice self care, we still feel incapable of doing so. And then we’ll learn a few ways for you to get back to taking good care of...

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BREAK PAST THE BINARY - How to Rid Yourself of Black and White Thinking

BREAK PAST THE BINARY - How to Rid Yourself of Black and White Thinking

Have you ever slept in, and then thought you were lazy?Have you ever made a mistake, and then thought you were stupid?Have you ever given in to a craving, and then thought you were weak? Chances are, you’ve probably had thoughts similar to these at some point in your life. We all have.  These definitive, dichotomous thoughts are examples of black and white thinking. And black and white thinking is a bitch that can keep us locked up in boxes. But, luckily for us, we have the key that can set us free. In today’s post, we’re going to talk...

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HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR SELF WORTH - 6 Steps For Dispelling Toxic Beliefs & Gaining Self Esteem

HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR SELF WORTH - 6 Steps For Dispelling Toxic Beliefs & Gaining Self Esteem

Today I want to get into one of the biggest illusions we encounter when we’re trying to practice acts of self care, love, or empowerment.  And this distorted reality, my friend, is the belief that we are undeserving of those things.  Yes, today we are talking about self worth.  And in this post we’re going to get to the bottom of the bullshit that’s causing us to believe that we’re undeserving, and tap into some practical tools that will not only dispel this toxic belief, but give us permission to demand only the best for ourselves.    Welcome to the...

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