The second key to creating Self-Care Independence is AWARENESS, and journaling is perfect for that.
To read my personal journal entries, click on each entry below, and follow along at Patreon!
9/19/21: What does 'living an authentic life' mean? What's holding you back from living an authentic life? What's one small tweak you could make to live more authentically?
9/3/21: What is the purpose of fear? Where does fear come from? What can you learn from fear? What would happen if you faced your fear? What's one thing you can start doing to work through your fear?
8/22/21: What's something you've been curious about exploring, but were too afraid to? What holds you back? Judgement? Resources? Time? Something else? What would need to change for you to be able to explore this thing? What can you do right now to start creating this change?
8/14/21: What does "living with intention" mean to you? Are YOU living with intention? How could you benefit from living with intention? What are your intentions with this life you have? How can you start living intentionally?
8/6/21: What does it mean to be safe and secure physically? Mentally/emotionally? Socially? Financially? Spiritually? Energetically?Are you feeling safe and secure in these areas of your life? If so, what do you contribute it to? Who made that happen? If not, how does one aspect of insecurity affect the other? What can you do to feel more safe and secure?
7/25/21: What are some things you can do to make yourself feel grounded What makes you feel centered? How can you make these activities a part of your daily routine?
7/17/21: What would you do if you had more energy? Where might you be wasting your energy? What could you do to create more?
7/10/21: What's something in your life that you keep investing in, but is no longer benefitting you? How else could you invest this energy?
7/4/21: What lessons is life offering you right now? How can your challenging circumstances help you grow?
6/27/21: Make a list of relaxing activities. How can you make the most of these activities? How can you make these activities a priority in your life?
6/19/21: When do you feel loved? What have you received that makes you feel this way? How can you offer these gifts and gestures to yourself?
6/5/21: When was a time you were the recipient of a kind gesture? How did it make you feel? When was the last time you did a kind act, what was it, and how did it make you feel?
5/31/21: A year from now, what would you be glad you started today?
5/22/21: What was the last good habit you created? What did it take for you to bring this to your life? What does it feel like to have this habit now?
5/16/21: What kind of relationship do you have with the indulgent things in life?
5/2/21: When do you feel like your most authentic self? Where are you? Who are you with? What are you doing?
4/23/21: What kind of language is driving your thoughts? How can you change your words so they're more supportive and inspiring?
04/16/21: What happens if you allow yourself to experience your feelings instead of pushing them away?
04/09/21: Who in your life supports you? In what ways can YOU support yourself? Where can you look for guidance and inspiration?
03/28/21: What does being self-assured mean to you? Why do you think self assurance is important? What do you do to create this feeling?
03/21/21: What does it feel like when you're enjoying yourself? How can you add more of what you love to life?
03/14/21: Where do you find your inspiration? What does being inspired feel like?
03/07/21: What's holding you back from reaching your wellness goals? How could you overcome this obstacle?
02/28/21: If you had infinite time, how would you spend it? How could you add a little of this to your actual life?
02/21/21: What do you want your life to look like in five years? What's something you can do right now to ensure that happens?
02/14/21: What does self-love mean to you? How can you express love to yourself?
02/07/21: What do you like about yourself?
01/31/21: What's something on your to-do list, but never gets done? What keeps you from accomplishing this?
01/24/21: Name a person, place, and thing that inspires you. Why do you find them inspiring?
01/17/21: If you were to FULLY live your life, what's the first change you would make?
01/10/20: Why is it important that you achieve your self-care goal(s)?
01/03/21: What would make the biggest difference in your life?
12/27/20: What benefits will come from making healthy changes in your life?
12/20/20: What have you been tolerating or putting up with that's no longer serving you?
12/13/20: What stops you from adding self-care to your life?
12/6/20: What's ONE change you could make right now that would support your wellness?
11/29/20: How will you know when you have what you want? What does it look like? How does it feel?
11/22/20: What do you want more of in your life? Make a list.
11/15/20: What areas of your wellness/self-care could be tweaked or upgraded?
11/8/20: What does a good day look like for you?
11/1/20: What are 5 things you're good at, + how did you become good at them?
10/25/20: What's the best compliment you've ever received + how did it make you feel?
10/18/20: What does self love mean to you?
10/11/20: How could you bring more joy into your life?
10/4/20: What are three accomplishments in your life, and why are you proud of them?
9/27/20: What are you grateful your body can do + why?
9/20/20: What is your favorite personality trait, and why?
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Self-Care Independence
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