Creative Self Care with Crystal McLain
The Myths, Magic, and Science of Manifestation - How To Materialize The Things You Want Most In Life

Manifestation is a pretty sexy concept, right? Like, if you simply think about the thing you want hard enough, the Universe will just hand it to you. But, I can’t help but think that if that were true, we'd all be sitting like fat cats, longing for nothing. Instead, we're here, firmly rooted in reality, with a head full of hopes and a heart full of dreams. So, I think the question begs to be asked, why is manifestation so popular if we seem to be living proof that it doesn't always work? And I say, 'doesn't always work',...
WTF is Authentic Living?

"The most profound healing happens when we create a therapeutic environment for the mind, body and mother-lovin’ soul." These are the new words you’ll read when you visit my “About” page at my website…and it’s only taken me two years to figure them out. Two years seems like a long time to dedicate to something that seems so simple, but it was really important to me that I figure out what the hell it is that I’m here to do. And not just with my business, but with my life. I wanted to taste the sweet nectar of this thing...
Happy Old Year

I noticed that I was becoming a frustrated zombie, hungry for a part of my brain to be fed, but despite my efforts an emptiness remained. Today I'm sharing my process of finding those missing pieces, and how loving my old self in this new year is feeding my brain. _____________________________________________________________________ Welcome to the blogcast, Unlocking Wellness! I'm Crystal McLain, Licensed Massage Therapist, Empowerment Coach, and Consciousness Apothecary and I'm exploring ways to unlock our wellness barriers so we can create Self Care Independence, because we find our freedom when we’re living well. Hello my friend, I hope you’re doing...
No Time for Self Care

I was transitioning from one yoga pose to the next, noticing the soreness and immobility that had grown from my own neglect. I'm sorry, I whispered to my body. I'm sorry I got caught up in other things. Let's make this better... I'd been so busy tending to my work, my loved ones, and my home, that I'd put my body last on the list of things to take care of. And though my body had been crying out for some TLC, I was quietly backing away, and ignoring it. You know, until I couldn't any longer. In today's blogcast we're going...
No One Is Coming To Save You

The bad news is, no one is coming to save you. But the good news is, you don't need anybody to. In fact, I'm not sure you even need saving... In today's podcast we're going to tear open the constricting bodice of a fixed mindset, reveal your cape, and take the first steps towards becoming your own superhero. _____________________________________________________________________ Welcome to the podcast, Unlocking Wellness! I'm Crystal McLain, Licensed Clinical Massage Therapist, Empowerment Coach, and Self Care Apothecary and I'm exploring ways to unlock our wellness barriers so we can create Self Care Independence, because we find our freedom when we’re...